Dust to Dust

Dust to Dust

My father was a very good, sweet and loving man.  He kept his wits and wit about him to his very end at 101!  He inspired many songs over the years including this last one, written as the first anniversary of his passing approached.


Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Everything that you know and trust
Down to the core and out beyond
It’s the universal chorus and we’re the song
So cast your shadow and keep moving along
Keep moving along


Change is the master and change is the way
Not a single lovin thing can stay the same
You gotta pick up your hand
And you play your game
You play your game
You play your game


Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Everything that you know and trust
Down to the wire and out beyond
The universal fire goes burning on
So cast your shadow and keep moving along
Keep moving along


Change is the wheel and change is the test
Not a single lovin thing gets to stay in the nest
You gotta play the cards you’re given
And you gotta give it your best
Give it your best
Give it your best


Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Everything that you know and trust
From the cradle down to the grave
It’s the universal current and we’re the wave
So cast your shadow and step off the stage
You step off the stage
You step off the stage


So bless the body and bless the soul
Bless the story this one life told
Bless the memories and
Bless the letting go
Bless the letting go
Bless the letting go


Ashes to ashes…